Introducing Sumaya Mohamed Ibrahim (she/they), BWF’s Program and Operations Coordinator! We first met Sumaya during our Youth in Transformative Philanthropy program last summer where she joined as one of the Youth Leaders. We later welcomed them to the team to continue developing BWF’s youth programming, tighten our operations, and so much more. Read on to get to know Sumaya in our Q&A!
What's your background in Philanthropy or activism work?
I have been engaged in community organizing and activism for as long as I could remember. This has looked like many things: rallying my second grade class to write protest letters to Lunchables for their lack of halal options, volunteering at my local community center for years, and raising funds and donations with and for fellow Somali Bostonians. I believe in collective action!
What’s one highlight from your role/time at BWF?
I have met some of the most incredible and dedicated people at BWF. People are at the center of all we do at BWF. I am so grateful for the connections I have made and all those to come.
What are some fun facts about you?
1) My favorite movie is Fantastic Mr Fox.
2) I love potatoes. I’m always looking for ways to incorporate them into dishes. Never too much potato for me!
3) I am a filmmaker! I love to write and play the drums, too.
What's one quote that gives you life?
“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” — James Baldwin